
Coconut water benefits for body health

- May 31, 2019
Image Source : parade.com

Coconut water benefits for body health -drinking coconut water can be an attractive option, compared to other drinks when the weather is hot. With a good characteristic flavor, the benefits of coconut water because it contains many minerals that are important for the body, as well as low calories and carbohydrates.

Coconut water is also very suitable for consumption while doing heavy activities and a lot of sweating or when a person is losing a lot of fluid due to diarrhea. Coconut water can be an alternative to white water to hydrate the body again.

Nutrient Rich
Although it seems simple, coconut water benefits should be taken into account. The liquid coming from the coconut fruit has a myriad of benefits.

This is the benefit of coconut water that you can get:

Coconut water contains sugar and electrolytes that can naturally refresh. Each 30 ml of coconut water contains only 5.5 calories and 1.5 grams of sugar.
Helps fulfill the needs of minerals and nutrients needed by the body. Each 30 ml of coconut water also contains 60 mg of potassium and 5.5 mg of sodium. Moreover, coconut water also contains vitamin C, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.
According to research, the benefits of coconut water can replace body fluids quickly. It is also proven to have better capabilities than ordinary water or sports drinks.
Coconut water is antioxidant, which is capable of overcoming toxins and free radicals that enter to damage the body.
There are possible benefits of coconut water can lower the risk of heart disease, because it can lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. However, it is still necessary for further research.
Research shows, the possible benefits of the head water can prevent the buildup of calcium, oxalate and other substances into crystals, which then become kidney stones. Although there is still need to do further studies on it.
What is the right amount of consumption?
For Indonesians, consuming coconut water is a common thing. Coconut water is sold with a natural flavor or mixed with other ingredients. So, how much should I consume coconut water?

Coconut water as a drink everyday can be considered as fruit juice. We recommend consuming enough about one glass per day. Although it is healthy, one thing to keep in mind is that coconut water still contains calories.

If the consumption of your coconut water every day is about 250 ml per day, then you should calculate an additional 45-60 calories. If later, additional calories from coconut water is not used by the body, then it can increase body weight about 2 kg per year.

Notice possible side effects
Pregnant women in Indonesia are often advised to consume coconut water because it is considered useful, although not yet fully scientifically proven. Pregnant and nursing women should be careful in consuming coconut water. If in doubt, consult a physician first.

Coconut water also has the possibility of lowering blood pressure, while increasing the effect of high blood pressure medication. What also needs to be wary of is that coconut water may interfere with blood pressure during and postoperative. Should avoid consumption of coconut water two weeks before the scheduled operation.

Now you can get the benefits of coconut water not only from fresh fruit, but also from the coconut water presented in the packaging. Don't forget to read the label on the packaging before buying. Make sure the coconut water in the package is free of preservatives and artificial sweetener, to keep healthy consumed.

We recommend that you avoid drinking excessive coconut water, making sure the amount suits your body. For those of you who have a specific health condition, consult a doctor before consuming coconut water.

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